Patches & Updates for the Ultima Releases
A quick look at some of the patches and updates for the Ultima titles presently available on Good Old Games, all of which should work with the versions of the games.
A quick look at some of the patches and updates for the Ultima titles presently available on Good Old Games, all of which should work with the versions of the games.
Thepal, as I believe was previously mentioned, wants to create characters in his Oblivion-based remake of Serpent Isle that look like (and are based on) real-life Ultima fans.
Andy Panthro has updated his Ultima 6 and Ultima 7-inspired texture pack for Minecraft.
Old Games Italia have released their Italian translation patch for Serpent Isle!
Thepal, having suffered a hard drive failure, has lost some of his progress on his Oblivion-based Serpent Isle remake. The incident has also given him a rather clever idea, however.
A teasing Nuvie screenshot, demonstrating a full-screen interface with inventory and character gumps, was posted to the #nuvie IRC logs.
The games comprising the Ultima series were, between 1981 and 1999, the defining computer role-playing games. Both the Western and Eastern RPG “schools”, if that is an appropriate term for them, were heavily inspired by the Ultima games, and still feature numerous gameplay and interface conventions that one Ultima or another introduced.
Andy Panthro has updated his Ultima texture pack for Minecraft as well.
A few months ago, I stumbled across a map of Trinsic for Call of Duty 4. It’s taken a while, but I finally got around to putting it up as a download.
The Ultima 6 Remake team have added a working inkeeper, Doris of Minoc, to the game, and also have a bunch of very impressive NPC portraits to show off!
Sergorn Dragon posed an interesting question on Twitter last night, which I am now repeating here for further commentary by the Ultima fan community.