Check Out the Planned Introductory Sequence for Arthurian Legends
A summary of the introductory sequence planned for Arthurian Legends.
A summary of the introductory sequence planned for Arthurian Legends.
Unseen Dragon interviews Richard Garriott about the process of story-telling in the Ultima games.
Denis Loubet has released a high-resolution version of his alternate box art for Ultima 7: The Black Gate.
JD Harding completed his remix of the Ultima 7 soundtrack, as well as a few Ultima Online tunes, back in September of 2015.
The later Ultimas featured robust interactive world systems, which even allowed for objects to be combined to make other objects (e.g. bread). How does this relate to modern crafting systems in RPGs?
Denis Loubet has released the complete image of his alternative box art for Ultima 7: The Black Gate.
Denis Loubet has evidently completed the alternative Ultima 7 box art he was working on.
Remixes of songs from the Ultima 7 (both parts) and Ultima Online soundtracks.
Richard Garriott has been building up a collection of templates for Ultima completion certificates.
In hindsight, it was obvious that at some point, WtFD would have to eat some of his words regarding the Kim Karsdashian iOS game.