The Ultima 6 Nitpicker’s Patch: Help Proofread the Quenton Murder Quest
Sir John needs some help proofreading the quest line for solving Quenton’s murder that he has devised.
Sir John needs some help proofreading the quest line for solving Quenton’s murder that he has devised.
Neocron Dragon has plans to expand uUltima beyond support for Ultima 1.
Save vs. Dragon has nearly finished re-creating the map for Ultima Online in Minecraft.
Some excellent remixes of pieces from the Ultima 6 soundtrack.
Sir John has also released an update for his Nitpicker’s Delight patch for Ultima 6.
Sir John has released a fourth beta version of his German translation patch for Ultima 6.
Ultima 7: The Black Gate, was released 25 years ago, on April 16th of 1992.
What can we come to know about Honor, as a virtue, by looking at its negation?
Save Vs. Dragon is blogging about introducing his son to Ultima 6.
Jimmy Maher gives us a lengthy and insightful look at the development history of Ultima 6, as well as its reception, and how it changed things at Origin.