The Ultima 6 Remake: Gargoyle City Screenshot
The Ultima 6 Remake team have released a screenshot of their current implementation of a building in the Gargoyle City.
The Ultima 6 Remake team have released a screenshot of their current implementation of a building in the Gargoyle City.
Film Goblin attempts to recap the Ultima series, and heaps some praise upon it…but also errors in numerous details.
Featuring: the return of Linguistic Dragon!
Baruch Dragon has a collection of assorted Ultima trinkets up for sale on eBay.
WtF Dragon sits down with his eldest daughter for a roughly half-hour introduction to Ultima 6.
The Ultima 6 Remake for Exult is still being worked on. The development team have been focusing on the Gargish lands lately.
A bit of comparison between the NPCs of Ultima 6 and those of Ultima 7.
GOG have the Ultima games discounted as part of this weekend’s Storytelling Sale.
In which we discuss Shroud of the Avatar’s impending launch, and also hear (just a bit) how the game’s launch party went.
Mighty Owlbear has created an online version of Ultima’s Test of Virtues.
Save vs. Dragon found a bit more time to play Ultima 6 with his son, and also made some updates to his re-creation of Britannia in Minecraft.