The “Dungeon Siege” Series Is Now Available at GOG (Updated!)
The three “Dungeon Siege” games are now available via GOG, and are on sale right now for a pittance!
The three “Dungeon Siege” games are now available via GOG, and are on sale right now for a pittance!
The installers for Ultima V: Lazarus and the Ultima 6 Project can’t, by default, find the Steam version of Dungeon Siege. Here’s how to fix that.
Sir John gives us an update on the status of his many and varied Ultima fan projects.
Sir John is working on a way for Quenton’s murder to be solved in Ultima 6, as part of his Nitpicker’s Delight patch.
Sir John’s Dungeon Siege patch has also seen an update in recent weeks.
A new framework to be built by and for the Ultima & Shroud of the Avatar fandoms, which intends to become the go-to resource for Ultima & SotA fan projects.
E3 has come and gone. There were actually some pretty neat things presented thereat, albeit EA has once again refused to announce a new single-player Ultima.
Nuvie developer Malignant Manor played through Ultima V: Lazarus and the Ultima 6 Project, and made a few mods for them as well.
Sir John has decided to translate Dungeon Siege into German, to better support his German translation of the Ultima 6 Project.
Sir John has taken it upon himself to translate Ultima 6, or as much of it as he can, into German.
The German translation of the Ultima 6 Project has been finished, and is available for download.