Linguistic Dragon Resumes Blogging His “Ultima Journeys”
Linguistic Dragon has resumed updating his Ultima Journeys blog, which chronicles his playthroughs of games in the Ultima series.
Linguistic Dragon has resumed updating his Ultima Journeys blog, which chronicles his playthroughs of games in the Ultima series.
Xenerkes Dragon has been out of the Ultima fan project scene for over a decade, but he has recently decided to jump back into it with an update to his savegame editor.
A short update to The World of Sosaria’s website hints at a planned change to Ultima 1.
Thanks to the timely provision of a savegame file, Pix was able to complete his playthrough of the Apple IIGS port of Ultima 1.
Pix’s playthrough of the Apple IIGS port of Ultima 1 has come to a somewhat premature end.
Origin historian Pix has challenged himself to play through the Apple IIGS port of Ultima 1.
A remake of Ultima 1, which makes use of some graphics from Ultima 5 as well.
Ultima 1 popped up in an article in Spiegel, the German news magazine.
Someone going by the handle lordofsosaria is, I think, attempting an Ultima 1 remake.