Tagged: Titans of Ether

Redemption Update

Redemption Update

Direhaggis has posted a much-belated New Year’s greeting at the Titans of Ether website, and notes that there are several openings on the team that need filling: *Interior worldbuilders wanted. Houses, dungeons, toolsheds, castles,...

Redemption News Update!

Redemption News Update!

It’s been half a year since last we heard from the Titans of Ether, but in his most recent news posting, Corv assures us that things are alive and well with his team’s remake...

New Year's News

New Year's News

First off, Happy New Year to everyone. I hope that you were able to ring in 2008 in a way that was both safe and enjoyable for you and your friends or family; I...

Titans of Ether looking for team members

Titans of Ether looking for team members

The Titans of Ether are looking for modelers and worldbuilders. So if, O Reader, you have any talent with either 3D modeling or worldbuilding using the Morrowind engine and toolset, drop them a line....