The Savage Empire Remake: More Sprite Samples; Possible Plot Changes
A plethora of updates from The Savage Empire Remake, an Exult-based attempt to remake Savage Empire.
A plethora of updates from The Savage Empire Remake, an Exult-based attempt to remake Savage Empire.
Scythifuge Dragon could still use a fair bit of help in his ongoing, often-stalled effort to re-create Savage Empire with Exult.
Scythifuge has posted what could almost be taken as a cancellation notice for his project.
Let’s hear it from you, Ultima fans! Vote for the fan project that is “the” project of 2013!
Scythifuge has posted a short update to The Savage Empire Remake’s Facebook page to let us know that the project is still being worked on, despite how quiet it has been in recent months.
Scythifuge talks about the Savage Empire Remake and creative writing.
Scythifuge is toying with the idea of straying from the standard Ultima 7 palette in his future sprite editing.
Scythifuge wants to unleash the full power of the Exult engine in his remake of Savage Empire. By which I mean: cold zones.
Scythifuge has posted a sample of the art for the Jaguar Knights, which will feature in his remake of Savage Empire.
Scythifuge has released a new piece of art for his Exult-based remake of Savage Empire.
Scythifuge has released a new piece of pixel art for his Exult-based remake of Savage Empire.