Tagged: The Elder Scrolls

Added: Serpent Isle – An Oblivion Mod

Added: Serpent Isle – An Oblivion Mod

Now this is how you bid farewell to the year gone by! The announcement of this remake also serves, in a way, as the cancellation notice for Thepal’s previous Ultima remake attempt, Infinity Eternal....

Restored: Littoral

Restored: Littoral

Technically, the project entry is for Kevin Fishburne’s short-lived Ultima 5 – TES3 Mod, which currently resides in the Aiera Orphanage. However, the released download associated therewith is actually Littoral, his powerful terrain heightmap...

Redemption is looking for writers

Redemption is looking for writers

I missed this update, which is already almost two weeks old, to the Redemption website. Direhaggis posted an advertisment, announcing the project’s need for writers: Do you like Ultima dungeons? Does the thought of...

Redemption News Update!

Redemption News Update!

It’s been half a year since last we heard from the Titans of Ether, but in his most recent news posting, Corv assures us that things are alive and well with his team’s remake...