Shroud of the Avatar: Release 12 Instructions Posted
The twelfth pre-alpha test release of Shroud of the Avatar begins tomorrow. Art thou ready?
The twelfth pre-alpha test release of Shroud of the Avatar begins tomorrow. Art thou ready?
Shroud of the Avatar – Update of the Avatar #97 – 2014.10.31: Happy Halloween, $5M Raised, R11 Impressions, Holiday Specials, and More!
Update of the Avatar #96 – 2014.10.24: Play R11 Now and get Carnival Tricorn Hat, R11 Community Events, Steam Access for Backers, New Housing Page, and More!
The eleventh pre-alpha test release of Shroud of the Avatar begins tomorrow. Art thou ready?
Some members of the New Britannia Theater Troupe have recorded a play that shall air on Avatars Radio — and be acted out in-game — during Shroud of the Avatar’s eleventh pre-alpha test release.
Double Robotics, manufacturers of telepresence robots, are currently featuring Starr Long, Richard Garriott, Portalarium, and Shroud of the Avatar on their website. Which makes sense, given that Richard Garriott — and possibly other members...
Shroud of the Avatar – Update of the Avatar #93: R10 Perspectives, Q4 Release Schedule, Bitcoin Support, Lord Marshal Helmet, and More!
The Ultima Online 17th anniversary celebration seems to have been a great success, punctuated by an in-game massacre.
Shroud of the Avatar’s tenth pre-alpha test release begins tomorrow. Here, then, are then instructions for getting in to the game (if you’re a backer).
Rustic Dragon has announced that HoBLotH II will take place in Austin, Texas, on November 15th and 16th.