Tagged: social networking

Now with social bookmarking (again)!

Now with social bookmarking (again)!

I’ve taken the liberty of installing the Sharedaddy plugin, which is the WordPress.org version of the standard social bookmarking plugin used on all WordPress.com blogs. So now, at the end of every post and...

So about that browser-based Ultima game…

So about that browser-based Ultima game…

Submitted for Dragonly consideration: Zynga, the makers of (ugh) Farmville, are now apparently worth about $290 million more than Electronic Arts. Which is to say that this: Is, bafflingly, worth more than all this:...

Testing Ping.fm Integration

Testing Ping.fm Integration

Mostly in an effort to try and drive a little more traffic to the site, and to increase Aiera’s social networking reach, I’ve set up an account at Ping.fm and installed a corresponding WordPress...

So by now everyone's heard of Portalarium

So by now everyone's heard of Portalarium

And if not: have you been living under a rock, and/or what colour is the sky on your planet, and also…welcome to Earth. Okay, somewhat more seriously, Portalarium is “an online ecosystem of shared...