Spam Spam Spam Humbug: Episode 60 – Game Review Systems
Why do we still use arbitrary, numeric systems to review and rate games?
Why do we still use arbitrary, numeric systems to review and rate games?
What even makes dialogue interesting in RPGs? What works, and what doesn’t?
Let’s look at some (more) of the pitfalls that can affect game development.
The later Ultimas featured robust interactive world systems, which even allowed for objects to be combined to make other objects (e.g. bread). How does this relate to modern crafting systems in RPGs?
In hindsight, it was obvious that at some point, WtFD would have to eat some of his words regarding the Kim Karsdashian iOS game.
Spam Spam Spam Humbug looks at making the transition from being a game consumer to being a game creator.
Helgraf Dragon joins us for an episode, and we learn a bit about him and his freaky avatar.
Skyrim could stand to learn a thing or two about NPCs from Ultima 6.
Corv has released the heightmap used to create Britannia as it appears in Ultima IX: Redemption.
OtherSide Entertainment will be kicking off the Underworld Ascendant Kickstarter campaign tomorrow.