The Savage Empire Remake: Myrmidex and Sakkhra Artwork
Scythifuge shows off his character sprites for the Myrmidex and Sakkhra on Facebook
Scythifuge shows off his character sprites for the Myrmidex and Sakkhra on Facebook
Scythifuge has posted a short progress update for his Exult-based remake of Savage Empire.
In which we look at the various Ultima fan projects that have been active, even if only briefly, in 2012, and note the progress that these have made.
While in Austin recently, Pix took the opportunity to visit the Wild Basin Wilderness Preserve. Savage Empire fans, take note!
It’s great to see different Ultima fan project teams working together and sharing resources, isn’t it?
Scythifuge has hit a bit of a slump in his attempt to remake Savage Empire using Exult. And he could use some help.
Codex regular (and editor) GuJiaXian is looking to sell his physical copy of Martian Dreams.
Scythifuge posted the latest update to his project, a remake of Ultima: The Savage Empire in Exult.
Scythifuge is looking for help bringing his Exult-based Savage Empire remake to fruition.