Savage Empire: Pretty Trees, Myrmidex Drones, and Fabozz
Scythifuge has posted another thread to the Exult forums, showing off a couple more pieces of artwork he has created for his Exult-based remake of Savage Empire.
Scythifuge has posted another thread to the Exult forums, showing off a couple more pieces of artwork he has created for his Exult-based remake of Savage Empire.
Scythifuge, who is remaking Savage Empire in Exult, needs input from the community on a design decision he’s trying to make.
Scythifuge has posted more sample graphics from his Exult-based remake of Savage Empire, and has given some details about changes he plans to make in the game’s story.
Scythifuge’s project to remake Savage Empire using the Exult/Ultima 7 engine, which has been dormant for several months, has recently seen news posted demonstrating progress made on graphical asset developments!
Oh, those wily OSI employees! Courtesy of Joe Garrity of the Origin Museum, Ultima Aiera is pleased to present these eight (8) photographs of the “Wild Basin Expedition” Team (a.k.a. the development and production...
I don’t know how I missed including this project on the site for so damn long, to be honest. I knew about it, after all; the name was instantly familiar when I saw it...
I was actually worried that Scythifuge’s ambitious project had ceased development, but according to this thread on the Exult forums, he is still plugging away at it whenever he can. Of course, it hasn’t...
Updated with new tweets from Barnett; original post below. First, it looks like he’ll be presenting the idea to BioWare honcho Ray Muzyka today: And he even teases the possibility of a free release:...
[singlepic id=93 w=300 h=217 float=right]As was reported yesterday, Mythic Entertainment has been in talks with the developers of DOSbox; I received word this morning from Paul Barnett that Mythic has been given the OK...
Not that there was much for me to do in those sections, apart from a few formatting changes and a couple of image swaps. Be that as it may: all downloads for both Martian...
Well, it’s been a little while since I posted an update pertaining to Ultima projects, and I see that Petrell and Dino over at Dino’s Ultima Page have uncovered several juicy morsels of news....