Shroud of the Avatar: Partial Transcript of the Second UStream
Mitchell Hamilton transcribed the first third or so of the second UStream session that Portalarium held for Shroud of the Avatar.
Mitchell Hamilton transcribed the first third or so of the second UStream session that Portalarium held for Shroud of the Avatar.
In what we assume to be the first of a series, a “Developer Insights” article has been posted to the Shroud of the Avatar website.
Mitchell Hamilton has taken it upon himself to transcribe the first UStream session that Portalarium held for Shroud of the Avatar.
Paul Izod has continued his retrospective of the Ultima series with a look at Ultima 3.
What does Richard Garriott’s new game require to be a proper Ultima? Sergorn Dragon offers up an epic-length editorial on the matter!
A charming interview between two great Origin Systems — and Ultima — personalities.
A Kotaku sneak peak at Shroud of the Avatar: Forsaken Virtues reveals an interesting detail about building interiors.
Richard Garriott generously made some time to chat with us about “Shroud of the Avatar”, his newly-announced spiritual successor to the Ultima series.
Richard Garriott has announced that his next RPG series will be called “Shroud of the Avatar”, the first episode of which will bear the title “Forsaken Virtues”. It will be a spiritual successor to the Ultima series, and a triumphal return to classic RPG gaming for Lord British.
Richard Garriott will be taking part in a Rooster Teeth livestream. What does he want to tell us?
In a brief update to their website, the Titans of Ether express curiosity about what Lord British will be presenting tomorrow.