Shroud of the Avatar – Update of the Avatar #82
Shroud of the Avatar – Update of the Avatar #82 – 2014.07.18: PvP, Discourse Orb, Winged Helm, Crowdsourcing Music, Player Town Hangout, Flexible Placement Stretch Goal, and More!
Shroud of the Avatar – Update of the Avatar #82 – 2014.07.18: PvP, Discourse Orb, Winged Helm, Crowdsourcing Music, Player Town Hangout, Flexible Placement Stretch Goal, and More!
Richard Garriott was invited to create a card for Magic 2015’s Core and Duel of the Planeswalkers releases. That card? The Shield of the Avatar.
Back at the end of June, during the course of E3, Greg Kasavin and Felicia Day (Ultima Dragons both) interviewed Richard Garriott.
What can I say? I’m backlogged on this stuff in a bad way. So here’s yet another interview of Richard Garriott and Starr Long done at E3, this time via Video Game Scoreboard/Zephyr.
Random Wizard — who evidently was one of the winners of the D&D #1 contest — took advantage of having Richard Garriott’s attention and posed a handful of questions to him. Nothing new gets...
The US FCC received over 647,000 comments concerning net neutrality, ahead of the July 15 deadline for such submissions. Richard Garriott is among those who submitted a comment; he wrote: “As long as cable...
Richard Garriott did a short Q&A session with IHateMMORPGs a while back. It’s worth a read if you want some impressions of Shroud of the Avatar that aren’t heavily skewed toward the multiplayer experience....
Richard Garriott gave a presentation at the National Space Society ISDC Conference a while back, which was entitled “Opening the Floodgates to Entrepreneurial Space Exploration”. QGITS caught up with him for an interview thereafter.
Another one from the “I didn’t find time to post this” file. Scott Jennings, on Facebook, quipped that this was “peak E3”; Jessica Chobot caught up with Richard Garriott for an interview. (And here...
I missed posting this when it was current: here’s an interview VentureBeat did with Richard Garriott and Starr Long back during Shroud of the Avatar’s Release 6 pre-alpha test.