Tagged: Reddit

Random Wednesdays

Well, it only took a few months, but we’ve finally hit a Wednesday post that doesn’t in any way, shape, or form involve 38 Studios. Also: Torchlight! Torchlight! Torchlight!

Bethesda Thursdays

The weekly round-up of news related to Bethesda Game Studios and their excellent RPG series, The Elder Scrolls. And any other titles they might be working on.

BioWare Mondays

BioWare Mondays

The weekly round-up of news about BioWare, their various sub-studios, and the various RPG titles and series that they have produced or are working on.

Now with social bookmarking (again)!

Now with social bookmarking (again)!

I’ve taken the liberty of installing the Sharedaddy plugin, which is the WordPress.org version of the standard social bookmarking plugin used on all WordPress.com blogs. So now, at the end of every post and...