Special Hangout of the Avatar This Evening!
A special Hangout of the Avatar session, featuring a live demo of the current build of Shroud of the Avatar, will take place this evening at 6 PM CST.
A special Hangout of the Avatar session, featuring a live demo of the current build of Shroud of the Avatar, will take place this evening at 6 PM CST.
Notes from Sergorn Dragon on the Shroud of the Avatar demo that was shown today at RTX.
If you’re able to do so, tune in to RTX Live tomorrow afternoon to check out the Shroud of the Avatar demo.
MMORPG development veteran and former Origin Systems developer Starr Long has signed on with Portalarium as the executive producer for Shroud of the Avatar.
Portalarium concept artist Stephen Daniele held another Pen of the Avatar session yesterday to show off the creation of another piece of concept art for Shroud of the Avatar.
In the Shroud of the Avatar IRC chat today, Lum the Mad let slip that new footage and screenshots for Shroud of the Avatar are coming this weekend. The game, he asserts, looks “MUCH MUCH better”.
The Shroud of the Avatar team need more art from the fan community. This time, chairs are in demand!
A short note from Portalarium technical director Chris Spears on the Shroud of the Avatar forums should come as welcome news to Linux users.
Portalarium concept artist Stephen Daniele hosted another Pen of the Avatar session yesterday, showing off several new assets that have been submitted for Shroud of the Avatar, and walking us through his monster creation process.
In the latest Google+ hangout held by Portalarium, we got a look at the work-in-progress inventory UI elements for Shroud of the Avatar…and at the New Britannian Runic language that #LBSotA will use.