Shroud of the Avatar: Combat Sigil Revealed
Portalarium have revealed a Combat Sigil for Shroud of the Avatar, which illustrates each of the eight combat schools which will feature in the game.
Portalarium have revealed a Combat Sigil for Shroud of the Avatar, which illustrates each of the eight combat schools which will feature in the game.
Portalarium have released a small snippet of Shroud of the Avatar’s story.
Richard Garriott chatted about Unity and crowdsourced content with GamesIndustry recently.
AvatarAcid decided to participate in the recent Shroud of the Avatar Unity Scene Jam by creating an Underworld scene in Minecraft.
The latest Shroud of the Avatar update introduces us to the Lord Village Home, and to some armour outfits for female Avatars.
The second Portalarium-hosted, Shroud of the Avatar-themed Unity Scene Jam will commence at 6:00 PM CST this evening. Get ready to create!
Starr Long has put together a Movember team at Portalarium; Shroud of the Avatar’s developers are raising funds for men’s health.
Shroud of the Avatar has raised over $2.5 million in its ongoing crowdfunding effort.
Portalarium have released the first Shroud of the Avatar asset kit — the combined Dungeon and Cave package — on the Unity Asset Store.
Portalarium, in concert with Rustic Dragon and another backer, have come up with — and revealed — the design of the Shroud of the Avatar Collector’s Edition coin that certain backers will receive.
Portalarium have released work-in-progress images of eight (out of a total of eleven) crafting stations that players will be able to use in Shroud of the Avatar.