Ananias Roguelike: Version 2.3 Released
Slashing Dragon has released version 2.3 of Ananias, but will be putting further development of the game on pause for a bit.
Slashing Dragon has released version 2.3 of Ananias, but will be putting further development of the game on pause for a bit.
The Exiled, an Ultima Online-inspired MOBA-meets-MMORPG, will be launching on Steam next week.
With more and more title incorporating “RPG elements”, can it be said that RPGs are the foremost category of video games?
Slashing Dragon has released version 1.74 of Ananias, adding new items and room types to the game.
Slashing Dragon has released an update for Ananias, and has evidently been testing the iOS version of the game via Testflight.
Slashing Dragon has released version 1.70 of Ananias, which sports a new magic system.
Slashing Dragon has released a new version of Ananias Roguelike, which fixes some critical bugs introduced in the previous version.
Slashing Dragon has released version 1.65 of Ananias Roguelike, bringing a whole heap of changes to the game.
A new framework to be built by and for the Ultima & Shroud of the Avatar fandoms, which intends to become the go-to resource for Ultima & SotA fan projects.
Beamdog have announced Siege of Dragonspear, an expansion for Baldur’s Gate: Enhanced Edition, and a new tale in the Baldur’s Gate saga.