Tagged: Mythic

EA and Activision execs trade barbs

EA and Activision execs trade barbs

Apropos of the discussion that took place in this article, you Dragons and Dragonettes might be interested to read about a wee dust-up that took place between EA and Activision executives over the weekend:...

Mythic Entertainment talking to DOSbox

Mythic Entertainment talking to DOSbox

Not that I stalk Paul Barnett’s Twitter feed or anything*: A bit over a month ago now (if memory serves), I downloaded the Commander Keen series off of Steam, and noticed how iD Software...

EA Mobile getting on board with Android

EA Mobile getting on board with Android

[singlepic id=80 w=250 h=250 float=right]From Joystiq: Speaking at the Deutsche Bank 2010 Technology Conference, as reported by Gamasutra, EA CFO Eric Brown discussed the company’s plans to ramp up support for Android in the...

An Ultima 4 Development Challenge

An Ultima 4 Development Challenge

I was told the most interesting thing today. As the good reader is probably aware, a port of Akalabeth was recently released on the iPhone (or, more correctly, iOS) platform, Apple’s mobile device operating...