Shroud of the Avatar – Winter Telethon 2016 Recap – Thoughts, “Squees”, and Facepalms….
Golem Dragon recaps Shroud of the Avatar’s recent Winter Telethon 2016, and shares his thoughts, rants, and “squees of joy” thereabout.
Golem Dragon recaps Shroud of the Avatar’s recent Winter Telethon 2016, and shares his thoughts, rants, and “squees of joy” thereabout.
Over at Ten Ton Hammer, in an opinion piece about looting player houses in Ultima Online, Richard Garriott is quoted (sort of) as saying that this practice will not be in Shroud of the Avatar.
Shroud of the Avatar -Team Lake Victorious! – Duel of the Century Results from Lum the Mad!
Starr Long had some interesting things to say about PvP in Shroud of the Avatar during last week’s test release. Not everyone was happy with his comments, either.
Scott “Lum” Jennings shared a screenshot of the Shroud of the Avatar client running under Apple’s OS X.
Scott “Lum” Jennings gave us a bit of a look at the technical underpinnings of Shroud of the Avatar’s conversation system recently.
Scott “Lum” Jennings posted a couple of pictures to the Shroud of the Avatar forums showing a number of the development team’s Avatars having an in-game meet-up.
The latest Stephen Daniele-hosted Pen of the Avatar session gives us a glimpse of the moon-shattering cataclysm that devastated the world of Shroud of the Avatar.
The Telethon of the Avatar is now live! You can now watch the Telethon on the Hearth of Britannia site. Pledges are now being accepted. Please follow the instructions to register, pledge, and be...
Portalarium concept artist Stephen Daniele went to work on concept art for the female Avatar for Shroud of the Avatar yesterday.
Tomorrow’s Hearth of Britannia Dragonsmeet will be a busy affair indeed, featuring interviews with two Shroud of the Avatar developers AND a visit from Dr. Cat!