Through the Moongate 04 – Akalabeth: World of Doom
Spam Spam Spam Humbug will be, for the next several weeks, doing a complete read-through of Andrea Contato’s “Through the Moongate”.
Spam Spam Spam Humbug will be, for the next several weeks, doing a complete read-through of Andrea Contato’s “Through the Moongate”.
Spam Spam Spam Humbug will be, for the next several weeks, doing a complete read-through of Andrea Contato’s “Through the Moongate”.
Shroud of the Avatar – Update of the Avatar #371 – #401 – Lord British’s Castle, Youtuber Reviews Game, and Teleporter Changes
There’s always a subset of players who will look for the edge cases that break a game.
In which Lord British attempts to raise funds for Joe Biden’s presidential campaign.
The Kickstarter campaign for “Corven – Path of Redemption” went live today, and there’s a very early demo version of the game available thereat!
“Corven – Path of Redemption” will begin crowdfunding its development and release on Kickstarter next month. Also, get a look at Lord British as he appears in the game!
A science-fiction homage to the early Ultima games, featuring a massive, procedurally-generated universe to explore.
Richard Garriott has granted Lycantic permission to feature Lord British as a character in “Corven – Path of Redemption”, and will also be holding brainstorming sessions with the team as they develop the game’s story.
Lord British will appear as an NPC in the upcming 8-bit Apple ][ RPG by 6502 Workshop, Nox Archaist.
Featuring: the return of Linguistic Dragon!