Byte-Sized Virtue S08E01 – Don’t Worry; I Have a Plan
This season of Byte-Sized Virtue episodes won’t focus on one particular virtue in detail, but on practical examples of all of the Eight Virtues of Ultima.
This season of Byte-Sized Virtue episodes won’t focus on one particular virtue in detail, but on practical examples of all of the Eight Virtues of Ultima.
A bit of comparison between the NPCs of Ultima 6 and those of Ultima 7.
We set the grandest plans for ourselves, in our pride. And we are humbled when these fall through.
A key point of Lenten penances is to give up things that are good…and to welcome with joy the fruitfulness that resuts.
What can we come to know about Honor, as a virtue, by looking at its negation?
How Ultima presents the Virtue of Honor (e.g. in the Gypsy questions) often fails to align with how Honor is defined in Ultima lore.
On the importance of forgiveness…and of admitting fault.
Virtue is an interior disposition to do the good…but what if you don’t always perceive that interior call?
The Ultima series depicts love in a very philosophically interesting way, one which is very much in line with real-world ideals of mercy.
A wide-ranging discussion that looks at a number of pressing issues in today’s technological environment.
Technology is morally neutral. But it can be turned toward good ends, such as community formation.