Mythic’s Final Months: Seven Game Prototypes and Another Classic Franchise
In which we examine some hints, from LinkedIn, as to what may have been going on at Mythic in the studio’s final months.
In which we examine some hints, from LinkedIn, as to what may have been going on at Mythic in the studio’s final months.
In which we look at the news related to Mythic Entertainment’s Ultima Forver that came out in the last year.
Ultima Forever lead designer Kate Flack will be presenting a talk, entitled “Analogue Lessons for a Digital Age”, at GDCNext on November 5th.
VentureBeat interviews Mythic’s Carrie Gouskos about Ultima Forever and its forthcoming female character classes. Along the way, Gouskos lets slip that we’ll be seeing the female fighter quite soon. (Also: art samples!)
Mythic have posted another Ultima Forever Developer Profile. This time around, we get to hear from lead designer Kate Flack.
I had the opportunity to visit Mythic Entertainment’s studio in Virginia, and to catch up with Ian “Tiberius” Frazier in Baltimore, over the weekend.
Mythic Entertainment graciously allowed me to take some photos of the early revisions of Ultima Forever’s map.
Gamasutra has posted a lengthy interview with Kate Flack, lead designer for Ultima Forever.
A handful of news articles that may (or may not) have been missed in the Ultima Codex’s coverage of the game to date.
Rock, Paper, Shotgun has just posted a rather lengthy interview with Kate Flack, lead designer of Ultima Forever.