Tagged: iPhone

Exult On An iPad!

Exult On An iPad!

Lanica, who crafted the PocketPC port of Exult many years ago, has shifted his attention to iOS development, and has begun working on an Exult port for that platform.

Rather Infrequent Open Thread

Rather Infrequent Open Thread

The no longer anywhere even remotely approaching nightly open thread at Ultima Aiera. I’m posting it early today because I’m crazy-busy with stuff to do in real life. Plus, the site’s getting a MySQL update tomorrow, so I don’t want to add much in the way of new content until that is finished.

EA Sports: Pay Once, Play Everywhere?

EA Sports: Pay Once, Play Everywhere?

The head of development for EA Sports, Andrew Wilson, delivered a talk in which he discussed pricing models for games in the “Gaming 3.0” future. And believe me, it’s way more interesting than that buzzword-laden phrase suggests.