Tagged: iOS

Nyrthos: The First Chapter Announced

Nyrthos: The First Chapter Announced

Nyrthos is a new game which basically became known online earlier this week. Targeted at browsers and mobile devices, it looks like an Infinity Engine game, more or less, and evidently incorporates many RPG features.

New Project: To Be A Hero

New Project: To Be A Hero

A 2D RPG in development for Apple’s iOS mobile operating system, To Be A Hero draws several obvious influences from both Japanese RPGs and the Ultima series, especially Ultima 7.

Rather Infrequent Open Thread

Rather Infrequent Open Thread

I’ve got about a month’s worth of links and notes in my inbox that I am really intent on clearing out. I’ve also got tons of legitimate news updates to make, of course, and clearing out the inbox will help me prioritize those as well.