Site Updates Will Be Sparse Until September (Also: Open Thread)
I have a lot of research to do — and a lot of articles to draft — over the next few days. As such, site updates will probably be minimal, if not non-existent, during that time.
I have a lot of research to do — and a lot of articles to draft — over the next few days. As such, site updates will probably be minimal, if not non-existent, during that time.
News has leaked — at least, I presume it’s a leak — that the next games to be released on Good Old Games will be Ultima 1 through Ultima 3, plus Ultima 4 for free!
To celebrate the release of Wing Commander 1 & 2 on Good Old Games today, Ultima Aiera is pleased to present a series of videos from The Gaming Standards that examine the development of — and influences on — Wing Commander.
To celebrate the release of Wing Commander 1 & 2 on Good Old Games today, Ultima Aiera is pleased to present a comparison of how the Wing Commander 2 introduction sounds on a SoundBlaster card versus on a Roland MT-32.
To celebrate the release of Wing Commander 1 & 2 on Good Old Games today, Ultima Aiera is pleased to present the introductory videos from Wing Commander 1, Wing Commander 2, and the addons to the latter.
Good Old Games promised us more games from EA’s large catalogue of titles, and they have delivered! A combo-pack of Wing Commander 1 & 2 has been released today, alongside Dungeon Keeper 2!
Good Old Games has announced that they will be adding more great titles from EA’s large catalogue later this week (Thursday, in fact). Could some Ultima games be on that list?
G4TV presents a restrospective look at the storied history of System Shock and the many and varied issues that have long prevented the creation of a sequel or the release of the series on sites like Good Old Games.
A G4TV interview with the good folks behind Good Old Games reveals that more Ultima titles are coming to the site over the summer.
A long-overdue guide to patching and getting the various Ultima games running.
It’s been a long time coming, and Ultima fans have been clamouring for it for years. Finally, the Origin Systems catalogue of titles has come to Good Old Games (GOG), beginning with the Underworld games.