The Ultima 7 German Translation: Manual Translations Released; First Screenshot
Sir John has translated the manual for Ultima 7 into German, and has released both it and the manual for Forge of Virtue as one download.
Sir John has translated the manual for Ultima 7 into German, and has released both it and the manual for Forge of Virtue as one download.
A patch for English versions of Ultima 9, to translate the game into German.
System Shock has (finally!) been released on GOG, joining its sequel there.
GOG have added a big collection of Bethesda Softworks titles to their catalogue today.
GOG have added thirteen SSI Gold Box RPGs to their catalogue today.
Windows 10 no longer supports SafeDisc copy protection.
Eleven years ago, the Ultima Codex’s predecessor — Ultima Aiera — was launched. Some pretty wild stuff has happened since then.
GOG have announced that they are as ready as possible for the release of Windows 10.
GOG’s DRM-Free Summer Sale will end on Sunday. For the weekend, they’ve put everything previously featured during the sale back on promo.
All the Ultima games in GOG’s catalogue are available on sale today, at a discount of up to 80% off.