Tagged: Facebook

Savage Empire for Exult…still in the works!

Savage Empire for Exult…still in the works!

I was actually worried that Scythifuge’s ambitious project had ceased development, but according to this thread on the Exult forums, he is still plugging away at it whenever he can. Of course, it hasn’t...

Facebook integration a-go-go

Facebook integration a-go-go

I’ve grown tired of manually updating the Ultima Facebook page with news from Aiera every time I publish, so I’ve installed a new plugin, called FacePress, to automate the process. This is, admittedly, mostly...

So by now everyone's heard of Portalarium

So by now everyone's heard of Portalarium

And if not: have you been living under a rock, and/or what colour is the sky on your planet, and also…welcome to Earth. Okay, somewhat more seriously, Portalarium is “an online ecosystem of shared...

Lost Sosaria & Facebook

Lost Sosaria & Facebook

There are a couple of things to report. Firstly, Lost Sosaria has posted another eleven screenshots, showcasing more of the string of areas called the “Great Road”, the north-to-south roadway that connects the cities...