Tagged: Facebook
Lord British Presents…Another Puzzle Piece…and Excitement
With less than a day remaining on his countdown timer before the big announcement, a new puzzle piece has emerged on Facebook for Lord British’s Ultimate RPG.
Lord British Presents…A Third Map Piece
Once again the Facebook page for Richard Garriott’s Ultimate RPG has unveiled another puzzle piece-shaped section of the game’s map.
Is The Ultimate RPG’s Map Mono-Scale, or Dual-Scale?
Commenter mark makes an interesting observation about the pieces of the Ultimate RPG’s map that have been released thus far.
Lord British Presents…Another Map Piece!
The Ultimate RPG Facebook page has been graced with another puzzle piece of the game’s map.
Lord British Confirms: The Ultimate RPG Will Be on PC
Lord British sets the record straight about the Ultimate RPG.
An Ultimate RPG Teaser Message
A short, cryptic teaser message was posted to the Ultimate RPG’s Facebook page. What can it mean?
The Savage Empire Remake: Sprite Dimensions and Palette
Scythifuge is toying with the idea of straying from the standard Ultima 7 palette in his future sprite editing.
EUO: Balancing the Races
EUO’s developers have done some balancing work on the various races featured in the game.