Spoony Plays Ultima: Runes of Virtue 2 (Part 2)
Spoony continues his reviews of Ultima games with a look at Runes of Virtue 2 for the Super Nintendo, and Runes of Virtue for the GameBoy.
Spoony continues his reviews of Ultima games with a look at Runes of Virtue 2 for the Super Nintendo, and Runes of Virtue for the GameBoy.
Goldenflame Dragon has been hard at work on the conversation editor for The Dark Unknown.
Rustic Dragon has delivered an update about the much-overdue Telethon of the Avatar prizes.
Andrew Owen offers some details about the IDE and tools he is using to build U3.5: Pax Britannia.
EUO, the Ultima-inspired, tile-based free MMORPG, has been updated again. And the recently-added equipment runes that players can buy have a very Ultima 6-inspired look to them.
Goldenflame Dragon has wrapped up working on merchants in The Dark Unknown for now.
Goldenflame Dragon has finished naming points of interest on The Dark Unknown’s map, and has added the ability to learn new spells to the game.
Slashing Dragon’s attempt to port Richard Garriott’s D&D1 game, per the recently-issued challenge.
Goldenflame Dragon has been naming geographic regions of the map of The Dark Unknown.