Tagged: Facebook
Stratics Is Up For Sale
Stratics.com, the home of what are the de facto official Ultima Online forums, is up for sale.
Ranthalion Dragon Wants to Create A New Set of High-Resolution Ultima Completion Certificates
Ranthalion Dragon wants to put together a high-quality set of Ultima completion certificate templates.
The Dark Unknown: New Website; Magic System Improvements; Kickstarter Ongoing
Goldenflame Dragon has launched a new website for Tapestry of Ages Games!
Extra Life in SotA: Support Browncoat Jayson & Watch the Livestream
Browncoat Jayson is participating in Extra Life tomorrow, and will be livestreaming Shroud of the Avatar for 24 hours.
The Dark Unknown: Monster Spawns, Dialogue, and More!
Goldenflame Dragon has, per usual, been hard at work on The Dark Unknown.
By the Virtues, But Linkrealms Looks a Lot Like Ultima Online
Linkrealms is a free-to-play MMORPG that seems more than superficially similar to Ultima Online.
An Ultima Spin-Off That Never Was
Jeff Dee pitched an idea for an Ultima spin-off game to Origin Systems, that would have seen the Avatar exploring Britannia’s moons.
Nuvie: Full-Screen Mode Coming Soon
Nuvie is being ported to SDL 2, and with that will come true full-screen support.
U3.5 Pax Britannia: Mini-Map Implemented
A fully-fuctioning mini-map has been implemented in U3.5: Pax Britannia.