Tagged: Electronic Arts

New video: an Ultima Online demo reel…from 2004!

New video: an Ultima Online demo reel…from 2004!

Ultima Aiera is pleased to present this demo reel — which was apparently only ever released internally at Electronic Arts and whatever studio was doing the development (Mythic Entertainment?) — from a second attempt...

The "least worst" solution

The "least worst" solution

Ultima fans, unfortunately, can remember a time when a very different EA would have been willing to push “a game riddled with bugs on the eve of release” out the door anyway. If anyone...

Any UO freeshards looking for GMs?

Any UO freeshards looking for GMs?

If so, I’ve been contacted by a prospective applicant, who wonders: I would like to know how and where I apply to be a Ultima Online gamemaster for either EA UO or a freeserver...

EA's new Facebook game: Dragon Age Legends

EA's new Facebook game: Dragon Age Legends

Well, here’s one title that will benefit from the new EA/Facebook agreement! And as Joystiq reports, playing Dragon Age: Legends will have net you some extra content in Dragon Age 2 (though what, exactly,...