Byte-Sized Virtue: Season 5, Episode 1 – Simplicity & Attachments
With the dawn of another Advent season, let’s take a look at the Virtue of Humility.
With the dawn of another Advent season, let’s take a look at the Virtue of Humility.
A scholarly, peer-reviewed analysis of the Eight Virtues of Ultima, and the ethical system surrounding them.
Is it enough to simply reject shame, and being shamed, to follow the path of Honor? Or is there more we should be mindful of?
What can we come to know about Honor, as a virtue, by looking at its negation?
Corona Blitz is a week-long game development jam hosted by
How Ultima presents the Virtue of Honor (e.g. in the Gypsy questions) often fails to align with how Honor is defined in Ultima lore.
On the importance of forgiveness…and of admitting fault.
Paradoxically, it’s often easier to be virtuous when it comes to the big things, and much more difficult to be virtuous in the little, private details.
Virtue is an interior disposition to do the good…but what if you don’t always perceive that interior call?
In which, somehow, we bring to a close this discussion of the Virtue of Spirituality and the anima technica vacua.