Tagged: Edmonton

Ugh…a day behind

Ugh…a day behind

So I missed updating a download yesterday. I’ve since made such a change (Marzo’s Serpent Isle Fixes is now downloadable again), but I’ll have to make two tomorrow in order to get back on...

Some rambling Easter thoughts

Some rambling Easter thoughts

Back when I was still actively working on Lost Sosaria, I wrestled with various “morality” systems that I might want to work in to the game…the default karma approach that had featured in precious...

Merry Christmas!

Merry Christmas!

I’m tapping this out on the WordPress app for my iPod Touch whilst seated next to the Dragonlet in the back seat of the car. We’re on our way, the fam-jam and I, to...

Gaming convention in the works

Gaming convention in the works

I’ve signed on as the Technical Officer of a committee that is planning to host a gaming convention in my home city of Edmonton, Alberta, Canada. More details to follow, including recruitment/volunteer opportunities.

New Year's News

New Year's News

First off, Happy New Year to everyone. I hope that you were able to ring in 2008 in a way that was both safe and enjoyable for you and your friends or family; I...

And then, there was a Dragoness

And then, there was a Dragoness

The newly-minted Dragoness and I landed safely at Edmonton International Airport later in the evening last Friday (the 2nd of November), ending off our ten-day honeymoon in Greece tired and more than a little...

Back from the Jamboree

Back from the Jamboree

And what an experience it was! By some miracle, I managed to keep meticulous notes about each and every day of the experience, and so in the coming few days I’ll be converting my...