Apparently for Real: Original Akalabeth Up For Sale at eBay
An apparently authentic original copy of Akalabeth — in the little plastic bag — is up for sale at eBay.
An apparently authentic original copy of Akalabeth — in the little plastic bag — is up for sale at eBay.
Back in 1990, with the release of Ultima VI, a select 10 copies of the game instead of the normal Orb of the Moons came with a special winning infinity or singularity amulet which...
Extraordinarily rare Ultima VI Immortality Contest winning Infinity Amulet owned by Greg Cato for sale as part of Ultima Collection on eBay.
There’s a copy of Akalabeth for sale on eBay. This time, though, it isn’t a fake.
The Ultima Return team are rather excited about the latest release from GOG!
Former Origin Systems developer Rhea Shelley is selling more things on eBay. You might want to place a bid.
The Ultima Forever Facebook page poses a question that I suspect is about whether more schwag should be made available.
Another fake “vintage” copy of Akalabeth is up for sale on eBay. Fortunately, this time it’s probably only going to sell for around $40.
A reader asked a question about the legitimacy of certain copies of Savage Empire that are available for sale online.
The seller of (most likely) fake Akalabeth copies on eBay has struck again, this time with what he claims is a legitimate tape copy of the game.
Former Origin employee Rhea Shelley is selling a bunch of Origin merchandise in a series of eBay auctions. Time is running out, so act fast if you want to get in on the deal(s)!