Tagged: Deus Ex: Human Revolution

Random Wednesdays

In which Eidos once again trolls the gaming community, to my great amusement.

Random Wednesdays

It’s getting a bit tedious to post these Wednesday articles. Mostly because people won’t stop talking about how awesome BioShock Infinite is. Or how violent, for that matter.

Random Wednesdays

A real grab-bag of links this week. Hey, did you know that Supergiant Games’ Greg Kasavin is an Ultima Dragon?

Random Wednesdays

This is mostly about Torchlight 2. But that’s not all that happened this week!

Deus Ex: Human Revolution Launches Today

Deus Ex: Human Revolution Launches Today

The third installment in the Deus Ex series — and a prequel to the original Warren Spector game — was launched today to glowing reviews which herald it as a return to everything that made the first game great.