Tagged: Deus Ex: Human Revolution

Random Wednesdays

Irrational Games As gorgeous and intriguing as the Burial at Sea DLC for BioShock Infinite looks, the execution of it seems to be somewhat lacking. Not that it’s bad, exactly…it just seems to disappoint...

Larian Saturdays…And More

So I missed posting a Wednesday update this week, and as such I’m lumping in the content from Wednesday with the weekend Larian Studios content. Because there really isn’t much to report from Larian...

Random Wednesdays

Quite a mix of news this week. Pity about 2K Marin, by the way. Damn shame, that.

Random Wednesdays

There was more I meant to post this evening, but things got out of hand offline. So, here’s a (long!) list of random gaming news that is loosely (at best) connected with some minor,...

Random Wednesdays

In which there is a fair bit of news related to Might & Magic X and the Deus Ex franchise. Also, does anyone want to buy the Amalur IP? They’ll throw in Rise of Nations…

Random Wednesdays

Okay, okay, okay…so it looks like I missed last Wednesday’s round-up post as well. Man, what a week was last week!

Random Wednesdays

I have to say…the upcoming EverQuest games are, to my mind, jaw-droppingly awesome in terms of the sort of sandbox play they’ll allow for. Or, at least, that’s my hope.

Random Saturdays

Because there doesn’t appear to be any news from Larian Studios this week, and because I totally missed posting anything on Wednesday.