Underworld Ascendant: Out Now!
Underworld Ascendant has been officially released, and is now available for purchase on Steam.
Underworld Ascendant has been officially released, and is now available for purchase on Steam.
The final trailer for Underworld Ascendant before the game is released next week!
In which Withstand the Fury vents some recent frustrations he’s been wrestling with regarding the physical rewards for Shroud of the Avatar.
A card game based on the magic system and Words of Power from Ultima Online.
Ceres Games is building a “classic single-player RPG featuring a party-based character system and tactical turn-based combat”, and are attempting to crowdfund its development.
The ongoing Kickstarter campaign for Andrea Contato’s book, Through the Moongate: The Story of Richard Garriott, Origin Systems Inc., and Ultima, is in its final couple of days. The book has already reached its base funding goal,...
A beta version of Underworld Ascendant is now available for those that backed the game.
Dino the Dark Dragon dropped another screenshot of his latest Ultima-inspired programming project, Wisps of Mantis, onto the Ultima Dragons group on Facebook a while back, along with some news of an impending demo...
Slashing Dragon has released the source code for his Ultima 6-like game engine, and is working hard on readying the first Milestone release thereof.
Andrea Contato’s in-depth book on the people of Origin Systems, “Through the Moongate”, has nearly reached its crowdfunding goal.