Shroud of the Avatar: Original Backers Now Called Royal Founders; New Colour Scheme Revealed
Portalarium have established a new backer category, Royal Founders, to recognize those who pledged to Shroud of the Avatar during its early crowdfunding.
Portalarium have established a new backer category, Royal Founders, to recognize those who pledged to Shroud of the Avatar during its early crowdfunding.
Dallas Snell left a lengthy statement on the Shroud of the Avatar forums in an attempt to address the recent controversy over pledge gifting.
A small collection of controversies erupted late last week over the issue of Shroud of the Avatar pledge gifting. In case you’ve missed what’s going on or are confused by it, here’s my attempt at a primer on the situation.
Max Leibman’s Ultimate Quest, an Ultima-inspired old-school RPG, was unsuccesful in its attempt to crowdfund via Kickstarter.
Starting today, there’s a new cross-promotion going on between Shroud of the Avatar and Pantheon: Rise of the Fallen, which is an MMORPG from Visionary Realms currently trying to raise money via Kickstarter.
A new stretch goal, of sorts, has been announced in Shroud of the Avatar’s ongoing crowdfunding campaign.
Several new in-game items were revealed in the most recent Update of the Avatar.
Portalarium hosted a six-hour livestream yesterday evening to celebrate $3 million in crowdfunding for, and Release 2 of, Shroud of the Avatar.
Portalarium are hosting a special Google+ Hangout tomorrow to celebrate $3 million in crowdfunding support for Shroud of the Avatar.
Shroud of the Avatar’s crowdfunding efforts have raised, as of today, $3 million in funding for the game.
A fellow by the name of Max Leibman is attempting to crowdfund an Ultima-inspired, old-school, tile-based RPG on Kickstarter.