Tagged: Britannia

Forgotten World Update

Forgotten World Update

I’ve been horribly lax in posting this, but the Forgotten World project — an ambitious, in-engine remake/modification of Ultima 9 — has seen several major updates in recent months. Their first bit of news...

U6 Project releases Milestone 3!

U6 Project releases Milestone 3!

In what is surely the biggest news of the week (and possibly the month) Ultima 6 Project has released Milestone 3 of their Dungeon Siege-based remake of the classic (and my personal favourite) Ultima...

Infinity Eternal: Demo on the horizon

Infinity Eternal: Demo on the horizon

Submitted by: Thepal Our team has been discussing many issues in relation to Infinity Eternal. Issues from magic systems to where mead will be bought are being discussed. One other thing came up… a...

Numerous project updates and notices

Numerous project updates and notices

Ultima IX: Infinity Eternal Thepal has completely overhauled the appearance of his project’s website, giving it a much lighter feel (although as yet it has not been populated with much in the way of...