Spam Spam Spam Humbug: Episode 92 – Musings on MMOs
A lengthy discussion on multiplayer games, community management, and other topics.
A lengthy discussion on multiplayer games, community management, and other topics.
Let’s talk about our first Ultima fan projects, our first explorations of programming, and/or our first experiences messing with a game’s editing toolkit.
In which we examine — and sass — IGN’s Top 100 RPGs of All Time list.
Why do we still use arbitrary, numeric systems to review and rate games?
In a multiplayer game, it is inevitable that some players will abuse or take advantage of others. Which of these behaviours, if any, should developers allow to take place, and which should they work to prevent?
Let’s look at some (more) of the pitfalls that can affect game development.
Spam Spam Spam Humbug chats with Starr Long about Shroud of the Avatar’s Release 32, its now-persistent world, and the land rush that players have been participating in over the last couple weeks.
Probably not; Ultima just isn’t as well-known an IP. But AR RPGs could possibly work, and even bring considerable innovation to the AR space.
In hindsight, it was obvious that at some point, WtFD would have to eat some of his words regarding the Kim Karsdashian iOS game.
EA has been teasing “mystery titles” for its 2018 lineup, including new takes on a couple of (unspecified) old IPs.