Spam Spam Spam Humbug: Episode 62 – Never Forget Who is the Boss
Let’s talk about game bosses. The memorable ones, the hard ones, the dumb ones…and maybe even the absent ones.
Let’s talk about game bosses. The memorable ones, the hard ones, the dumb ones…and maybe even the absent ones.
In a multiplayer game, it is inevitable that some players will abuse or take advantage of others. Which of these behaviours, if any, should developers allow to take place, and which should they work to prevent?
Ember is a fantasy RPG a decade in the making, which boasts a seamless world, fully interactive and movable objects, weather changes and day/night cycles.
Let’s look at some (more) of the pitfalls that can affect game development.
An update for Dungeons of Chaos has been released, which fixes an issue with auto-heal and a glitch with the beholder monster.
Spam Spam Spam Humbug chats with Starr Long about Shroud of the Avatar’s Release 32, its now-persistent world, and the land rush that players have been participating in over the last couple weeks.
Volker Elzner has launched a Kickstarter campaign to support further expansions for Dungeons of Chaos, and has also shared his thoughts on the state of the game today.
The later Ultimas featured robust interactive world systems, which even allowed for objects to be combined to make other objects (e.g. bread). How does this relate to modern crafting systems in RPGs?
Volker Elzner has released an update for Dungeons of Chaos, which corrects an issue with sprinting (among other changes).
With more and more title incorporating “RPG elements”, can it be said that RPGs are the foremost category of video games?