Tagged: 3D

Paul Barnett: "Why games are important"

Paul Barnett: "Why games are important"

One more interesting thing from Paul Barnett’s Twitter feed for today. Here, he draws attention to a video he did for AbleGamers, a gaming news & reviews blog with a focus on disabled persons...

Sanctimonia progress update

Sanctimonia progress update

Kevin Fishburne writes to inform us of the latest progress made on Sanctimonia, his Ultima-inspired “faux 3D” online RPG: I’ve been working on it like I was going to hell if I didn’t, so...

Restored: Ashes

Restored: Ashes

I say “restored” in the sense that I’ve cleaned up the entry and properly re-categorized it…right into the Cemetery. There was a time when Ashes looked like a very promising 3D engine inspired heavily...

Return to the Serpent Isle August Update: Stop, thief!

Return to the Serpent Isle August Update: Stop, thief!

Sergorn Dragon’s increasingly ambitious Ultima project (which I’m also working on) has posted its latest monthly update, and announces the development or updating of several game system scripts that members of the team have...

Changing directions, a bit

Changing directions, a bit

First, let me just remark that all the Online Remakes are once again available for download, and in fact have been so available since last Friday. The reason for the delay was the fact...



Kevin Fishburne may be a name that some remember; he coded Littoral (which, shamefully, I have yet to restore to downloadable status). Well, last night he contacted me with a request for assistance. He...

Return to the Serpent Isle May Update

Return to the Serpent Isle May Update

Not unlike the Titans of Ether, the team making this continuation of Serpent Isle doesn’t have a lot to report this month. However, they do report that they have developed a working food system,...

Ultima 6 Project 3D models

Ultima 6 Project 3D models

Archon team member Niko hints, in his latest dev diary, that the 1.0 release of the Ultima 6 Project is nearly upon us, and teases in a video a handful of examples of his...

Labyrinth of Worlds downloads restored

Labyrinth of Worlds downloads restored

Labyrinth of Worlds was intended to be a “from the ground up” remake of Ultima Underworld 2, complete with 3D character models. It never made it to completion (a fate shared by many projects...

New Iris2 build released

New Iris2 build released

That’s right: the open source 3D client for Ultima Online freeshards posted an updated build. Which I will get uploaded to Aiera shortly. Update: Downloads now available via the project entry…which I also finally...