Creation takes time. Time is limited.

Christ is Born!  Merry Christmas!

Christ is Born! Merry Christmas!

The Dragoness and I would both like to wish all our friends and family a holy, happy, and blessed Christmas season, and all the best for a prosperous new year. [image:139:c:s=1:l=p] (click on the...

Update pending

Update pending

I told a couple of people that I’d have an update posted today. As it turns out, it was busy day at work, and I didn’t have time to upload all the files (a...

We have a domain now

We have a domain now

That’s right, dear Readers — Ultima: Aiera now has its own domain: Don’t worry, though — your bookmarks for should still work. WordPress is cool that way. There’s actually a reason for...

And then, there was a Dragoness

And then, there was a Dragoness

The newly-minted Dragoness and I landed safely at Edmonton International Airport later in the evening last Friday (the 2nd of November), ending off our ten-day honeymoon in Greece tired and more than a little...

Away for a bit

Away for a bit

It seems I just landed back in Canada, and already I’m off again. This is it, the big weekend — as of about 1:30 PM on October 20th, I’ll be a married Dragon. We’ll...

Serpent Isle Remake using NWN2

Serpent Isle Remake using NWN2

Huge news, folks. Ethelwulf alerted me to the existence of a remake of Ultima 7 Part 2: Serpent Isle using the Neverwinter Nights 2 engine, and I have to say that it looks very...