Creation takes time. Time is limited.

We have a domain now

We have a domain now

That’s right, dear Readers — Ultima: Aiera now has its own domain: Don’t worry, though — your bookmarks for should still work. WordPress is cool that way. There’s actually a reason for...

And then, there was a Dragoness

And then, there was a Dragoness

The newly-minted Dragoness and I landed safely at Edmonton International Airport later in the evening last Friday (the 2nd of November), ending off our ten-day honeymoon in Greece tired and more than a little...

Away for a bit

Away for a bit

It seems I just landed back in Canada, and already I’m off again. This is it, the big weekend — as of about 1:30 PM on October 20th, I’ll be a married Dragon. We’ll...

Serpent Isle Remake using NWN2

Serpent Isle Remake using NWN2

Huge news, folks. Ethelwulf alerted me to the existence of a remake of Ultima 7 Part 2: Serpent Isle using the Neverwinter Nights 2 engine, and I have to say that it looks very...

Ultima 4 Gold, Neverwinter mods

Ultima 4 Gold, Neverwinter mods

Petrell alerted me to the existence of an Ultima 4 Gold, by the same developer (MagerValp) who produced Ultima 3 Gold. I have added an entry for this project at Aiera, and it can...

Lost Sosaria team; another dead project

Lost Sosaria team; another dead project

Over at Lost Sosaria, there is news of a new team member — Reclaimer Dragon — joining the project to assist with map development and plotting. I’m pretty jubilant about this fact, and would...

Ultima covers

Ultima covers

Here’s some news to cheer you up after the previous post about EA. Someone by the (nick)name of Hexxxer contacted me to let me know of a project he’s involved in to produce high...

EA to purchase BioWare

EA to purchase BioWare

While my friend Myles assures me, via his contacts within BioWare, that this is a good thing, I for one look upon the pending purchase of BioWare/Pandemic by Electronic Arts as a death-knell for...