Creation takes time. Time is limited.

Merry Christmas

Merry Christmas

…there were shepherds out in the field, keeping watch over their flock by night. And an angel of the Lord appeared to them, and the glory of the Lord shone around them, and they...

Back online…kinda…

Back online…kinda…

Okay, the site has been restored to working order, at least as far as posting news and whatnot is concerned. However, because things at this end have proven busier than expected (new fathers and...

Richard Garriott leaves NCSoft

Richard Garriott leaves NCSoft

You totally didn’t read it here first, but there it is: Ultima series creator Richard Garriott has parted ways with Tabula Rasa (also his creation) publisher NCSoft in order to pursue new interests. Apparently,...

Take a moment to remember

Take a moment to remember

Today we mark the sacrifices that a lot of good men and women made in the cause of freedom. I don’t think there’s much more than that which needs to be said, save to...

The Feudal Lands

The Feudal Lands

I’ve been contacted a few times over the new Feudal Lands website, which is located at: I will actually make a news report out of this at some point, but…well…new baby, new job....

It's a girl!

It's a girl!

The Dragoness gave birth to a lovely baby girl, our daughter, the Dragonlet, at 12:39 AM. It was a difficult labour for her, and she is still recuperating in hospital, but she should be...

Ultima: Iris updated

Ultima: Iris updated

This open-source 3D client for Ultima Online has been updated to version 2520, for both Windows and Linux. Updated installer files can be downloaded from the project website, or via the project entry here.

SI BG Merge Updated

SI BG Merge Updated

This interesting project that imports shapes from The Black Gate into Serpent Isle has been updated and patched since last I looked in on it. Specifically, it has been updated to version 6.8.7, which...

Exult 1.4 Updated

Exult 1.4 Updated

The bleeding-edge version of Exult — the Ultima 7 engine for more operating systems and platforms than one cares to list — has been updated as of October 9th. Exult Tools and Exult Studio...