Creation takes time. Time is limited.

Nightly Open Thread

Nightly Open Thread

The nightly open discussion thread at Ultima Aiera. Which, admittedly, hasn’t exactly been “nightly” for the last couple of days.

Eriadain is back in action!

Eriadain is back in action!

One of the first Ultima 9 remakes, which stopped development before achieving a demo release, has been rebooted by its original developer using the Neverwinter Nights 2 engine. And yes, it’s still based on the Bob White Plot.

New Download: Dev Game for Exult

New Download: Dev Game for Exult

Malignant Manor’s attempt to implement a basic, free-to-play game with Exult, using only the engine and none of the original resources from Ultima 7: The Black Gate or Serpent Isle.

Sanctimonia Update: Now With Particles!

Sanctimonia Update: Now With Particles!

Development of Kevin Fishburne’s Ultima-inspired online game, Sanctimonia, proceeds apace with the addition of landscape sub-layers, alpha tiles to transition between textures, and a newly-working particle system.