xu4: Minor Updates
As evidenced by recent code commits, several “under the hood” changes have been made to xu4, the cross-platform Ultima 4 engine.
As evidenced by recent code commits, several “under the hood” changes have been made to xu4, the cross-platform Ultima 4 engine.
The Titans of Ether have released a handful of screenshots of their rendition of the Spiritwood, the forest that is home to the Rangers of Britannia.
A video that has recently been posted to YouTube looks, for all intents and purposes, like an introductory sequence to a machinima remake or retelling of Ultima 9.
I need to take a day or two off from the site, as I’m feeling rather burnt out with all this big news that’s been breaking.
Sergorn Dragon offers several observations on the recently-revealed Bob White Plot, noting many interesting points which can be drawn out of the document.
Ultima Aiera is pleased to present fifty three (53) pages from the most recent revision of the legendary Bob White Plot.
A G4TV interview with the good folks behind Good Old Games reveals that more Ultima titles are coming to the site over the summer.